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  • Podiatrist Recommend Hiking Boots

    Podiatrist Recommend Hiking Boots

    Picture this: you've just returned from a great hike and your feet are killing you. Not because of the blisters or the sweat, but because you were wearing the wrong shoes. If you're looking to avoid this uncomfortable situation, then read on for our guide to hiking shoes! We'll discuss everything you need to know before purchasing a pair, so that you can find the perfect pair of shoes for your next hiking adventure. Happy trails!

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  • Women

    Women's Foot Health: Why High Heels Are Bad for Your Feet

    Did you know that women are four times more likely to develop foot problems than men? I have two words for you: high heels. There’s no denying that high heels make us feel powerful, confident, and sexy. But those same sky-high stilettos can actually be pretty bad for our foot health. If you want to keep your feet healthy and pain-free, it might be time to ditch the high heels and opt for a more comfortable option instead. Keep reading to learn more about the negative effects of high heels and discover some better options for shoes that will still make you look fabulous.

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  • Common Football Injuries and Treatments

    Common Football Injuries and Treatments

    So your little MVP starts their first season of tackle football. You're excited for all the games and practices to watch them dominate on the field. But as the season goes on, you start to notice that they're not playing like they used to. In fact, they're limping off the field after every play. What's going on? Chances are, they've got a foot injury. Don't worry, we're here to help give you some tips on how to deal with them.

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  • Why You Shouldn’t Go Barefoot at Home

    Why You Shouldn’t Go Barefoot at Home

    You know that feeling when you get home from work and take your shoes off? The relief of finally being able to relax and put your feet up. For most people, this is a normal part of the day. But going barefoot in the house can actually do more harm than good. In this blog post, we'll discuss why you should avoid going barefoot in the house and offer some alternatives that will help you relax comfortably. So put your shoes back on and keep reading!

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  • What is Laser Therapy?

    What is Laser Therapy?

    What if we told you there was a treatment that could target and eliminate the root cause of your foot pain? No more relying on painkillers or ice packs! This magical treatment is called laser therapy, and it may be just what you need to get back to your active lifestyle. Keep reading for more information about laser therapy and how it can help you.

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  • How To Treat Arthritis

    How To Treat Arthritis

    Is it fall yet? It sure feels like it in my house. Every morning I wake up stiff and achy, and the pain only seems to get worse as the days get shorter. Yep, it must be arthritis season again! As the cooler months approach, many of us are looking forward to cozy fires, hot drinks, and time spent indoors. But for those of us with arthritis, the change in temperature can bring on painful flares.

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  • Preventing Fungus in Closed-Toe Shoes

    Preventing Fungus in Closed-Toe Shoes

    Now that Labor Day has come and gone, the weather will start cooling down, which means it's officially time to put away the sandals and break out the closed-toe shoes. And we all know what that means: toenail fungus. It's important to take steps to prevent fungus from growing in your shoes, so in this blog post, I'll explain what fungus is, how it grows in shoes, and how to prevent it. Whether you're breaking out your favorite pair of boots or just grabbing a new pair of sneakers for the fall season, be sure to read on!

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  • Podiatrist Recommendations for Fall Boots

    Podiatrist Recommendations for Fall Boots

    It's that time of year again where the leaves start changing color, the air gets a little chillier in the morning and evening, and pumpkin spice everything starts appearing on store shelves. Yes, fall is officially here!

    As the weather cools down, it's time to start thinking about what type of boots you're going to wear this fall. While some people might reach for their favorite pair of fluffy, fleece lined Uggs, we recommend something a little different. Read on to find out which boots are best for your feet this season!

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  • Tips for Aging Feet

    Tips for Aging Feet

    It seems that as we age, everything else in our body starts to slow down–except our feet. Even though they have been carrying us around for years and have borne the brunt of our weight, often times our feet don’t get the attention they need. By taking some simple steps to care for our feet, we can keep them healthy and pain-free well into old age. Read on for tips on how to take care of your aging feet!

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  • Tips for a Fungus Free School Year

    Tips for a Fungus Free School Year

    If you're like most parents, you're eagerly awaiting the end of summer and the return of your kids to school. But before you send them back with their shiny new Trapper Keepers and boxes of crayons, make sure to protect them from one common scourge: athlete's foot. Here are four tips to help keep your kids fungus-free all year long.

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