Top Of Foot Pain
A foot neuroma causes pain in the ball of your foot, most often between the third and fourth toes, however, it can be present in between any of the toes.
Dorsal Exostosis/Bone Spur
If you have a bony bump on the top of your foot that hurts, it's likely a dorsal exostosis. It's similar to a bunion, but doesn't make your toe point in a strange direction.
Dorsal Compression
Some top-of-foot pain is a result of the foot flattening out, which places abnormal pressure on the foot.
Stress Fracture
Sometimes when a patient twists or turns their ankle, a stress fracture might result. Sometimes called hairline fractures, these small crack sometimes aren't visible on an X-ray for 10 - 14 days.
Ankle arthritis can be a very painful condition that will progressively worsen if left untreated. This inflammation of the ankle joint produces pain, swelling and a general stiff feeling that can make walking and exercising uncomfortable.
Ligament Sprain
A ligament sprain on the top of the foot can occur from injury or overuse. This is more rare than an ankle sprain.