Metatarsalgia is a condition characterized by pain and inflammation in the ball of the foot (the area between the toes and the arch) due to overuse or injury. This condition mainly affects the joints at the base of the five toe bones.
While the exact treatment will depend on the cause, we typically use shoe inserts, semi custom or custom orthotics to distribute the weight more evenly and relieve the added pressure from the metatarsals.
- Sometimes it’s a result of age or perhaps a repetitive injury from sports or jogging.
- The fat on the bottom of our feet deteriorates over time. This causes you to feel like you are literally walking on ‘bone’….because you ARE!
- Health issues like arthritis or diabetes can be an underlying culprit.
- Or it might just be your shoes. Narrow or pointy shoes and ill-fitting shoes can put pressure on the metatarsals and cause this painful condition.
- There are also a few foot conditions that can cause metatarsalgia, like a foot neuroma, sesamoiditis, capsulitis or a callus.
While the exact treatment will depend on the cause, we typically use shoe inserts, semi custom or custom orthotics to distribute the weight more evenly and relieve the added pressure from the metatarsals.
Cushions or off-loading pads are available to help ease the pain, such as metatarsal cushion, metatarsal pad, felt-U protectors. Biofreeze is also very effective in decreasing the pain.
We’ll also talk to you about the type of shoes you wear and specific activities you normally engage in, to determine if they might be contributing to the problem. If there is an underlying cause such as a neuroma or arthritis, we’ll address that, too.
At Home Treatment
1. To ease the pain and reduce inflammation soak your feet daily in RELAX. The lemongrass will soothe aching joints and minimize down time.
2. After you've patted the area dry, apply our super potent CBD stick, SOOTHE. Or our CBD-FREE pain-relieving ointment, RECOVER. Both will offer a refreshing sensation while erasing away your pain.