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Think you have perfect feet? Not too wide, not too narrow, no bunions, pain-free, moderate arch, and pretty toenails polished in pink?


There are no perfect feet! Even if you don’t have foot pain, other symptoms you are experiencing may be related to the structure of your feet.

Your feet are your foundation. If the foundation is not properly aligned, nothing else functions properly either! So, if you have hip pain, back pain, or knee pain, it could all be related to your pretty little feet!

Orthotics are the answer to this problem. They are the cement to your foundation in that they put your feet in the optimal position. This, in turn, makes YOU better! A better runner, a better chef, a better mom. Who doesn’t want to be better at everything?

If you want to be better in your everyday life, make an online appointment with Lexington Podiatry or call today!