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  • Did Wearing Flip Flops ALL Summer Cause Your Heel + Arch Pain?

    Did Wearing Flip Flops ALL Summer Cause Your Heel + Arch Pain?

    Do you love flip flops? Well, hate to break it to you, but they might be the root of your heel pain, a.k.a. plantar fasciitis. Yes, wearing those thin sandals or squishy flip flops all summer long might be the reason why you’re struggling with heel pain this winter. Before you give up on your favorite shoes altogether, read on to learn how to make flip flops work for you – and your feet.

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  • Suffering from heel pain? Here’s how to heal your heel.

    More than likely you are suffering from a foot condition called Plantar Fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is inflammation of the plantar fascia. What the heck is the plantar fascia? Plantar means bottom and fascia refers to the particular type of tissue affected. This is by far the most common foot problem in Podiatry.

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