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Are You Dreading Swelling in Summer

Swelling in your feet and lower legs can be caused by a variety of things, from standing or walking for long periods of time to eating too much salt. In some cases, it may be a sign of a more serious condition. It is important to know the causes and treatment for swelling in order to get relief and prevent the problem from getting worse. In this article, we will discuss the causes and treatment options for swelling in your feet and lower legs.

One of the most common causes of swelling is standing or walking for long periods of time. I see this condition all the time in factory workers, teachers and nurses.  Standing for long periods of time can cause the fluid in your body to build up in your feet and lower legs, leading to swelling. This can also lead to painful, and unsightly, varicose veins or venous insufficiency.

Venous insufficiency is a circulatory condition that causes the valves in your veins to stop working like they should. Essentially the blood in your legs is not flowing correctly and instead pools in your legs, which causes swelling and can be painful.

I’m sure all of this sounds little scary, but if you are experiencing swelling in your feet and lower legs, there are a few things you can do to get relief.

Wear Compression

The most beneficial thing you can do is wear compression socks or stockings to help reduce the swelling. They work by applying pressure to your limbs, which helps to reduce the amount of blood that pools in your extremities and improve your circulation. This can help to reduce pain and discomfort in your legs and feet, as well as prevent the development of varicose veins.

Compression-wear has gotten a bad rap over the years for being unfashionable and difficult to put on. Most people think of the tan compression hose that their grandmother used to wear. However, compression has come a long way. Compression socks come in many different styles and colors. And yes, there is a big difference between compression socks and compression hose! The most important difference being that compression socks are infinitely easier to put on than compression hose.

Compression socks have different levels of compression depending on the severity of the swelling. It is important to choose the correct level of compression because too much pressure can actually cause more pain. If you are not sure which size to choose, please contact our office and we can help fit you with the correct size.

Elevate Your Feet

One of the best things to do is to elevate your feet above heart level for 30 minutes each day. This will help reduce the amount of fluid in your feet and lower legs. And it gives you and excuse to kick your feet up and have a glass of wine!

If you are experiencing swelling that is severe, extremely painful, or does not go away with home treatment, it is important to call our office right away. This could be an indication of a more serious condition, called a DVT or blood clot, that requires immediate medical attention.

Swelling in your feet and lower legs can be a nuisance, but it is usually not serious. By knowing the causes and treatment options, you can get relief and prevent the problem from getting worse. If you have any questions or concerns, please call our office at 859-264-1141 or schedule an appointment online.