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Halloween is every kid’s favorite holiday. Fun costumes AND free candy- what’s not to love? With all the excitement that comes with trick-or-treating, it’s easy to forget that walking around in the dark (and often wet) makes it so easy for kids to slip and fall. The last thing you want are foot and ankle injuries haunting your Halloween. Whether you’re taking your kids trick-or-treating or staying home and passing out candy, we’ve got some tricks that will keep your Halloween injury-free.

If You’re Taking A Child Trick Or Treating…

Bring A Flashlight

Chances are, by the time your kids are done making their rounds, it will have gotten dark outside- this makes it so much easier to slip and fall! Curbs, sticks, and even bumps in the sidewalk are all tripping hazards that can lead to some pretty spooky injuries. Using a flashlight will make these easier to spot and avoid on your walk home.

Ditch The Masks

Masks are one of the simplest and easiest ways to transform a Halloween costume, but they also make it incredibly hard to see. When your child can’t see, it dramatically increases their risk of falling. A safer alternative to masks is using non-toxic face paint! If you aren’t confident in your artistic abilities, YouTube has some great tutorials that can help you transform your child’s costume!

Make Sure Shoes Fit

Since trick-or-treating usually lasts for 2+ hours, wearing proper shoes is SO important. It’s tempting to let kids wear over-sized shoes or mom’s high heels to take their costume to the next level, but this instability can easily lead to injuries.

*Parents* you’ll be walking around all night with your kids, so make sure your shoes are comfortable and supportive as well!

Costumes Can Be Tripping Hazards Too

Long capes and flowing princess dresses are usually staples on Halloween, but… you guessed it! These can be tripping hazards too. When your child is dressing up this year, make sure their costume isn’t dragging on the ground. This will keep them from falling as well as prevent other people from tripping over them.

If You’re Expecting Trick-Or-Treaters…

Sweep Your Leaves

One of the easiest ways to prep your house for trick-or-treaters is to sweep the leaves off of your driveway or sidewalk. Especially if it rains, leaves can get wet and slippery and create a falling hazard.

Clear Your Lawn

This tip is so simple yet so effective! Before trick-or-treaters start making their rounds, check your front yard for any hidden obstacles, just in case kids decide to cut through the grass.

Leave The Lights On

Leaving your front porch lights on might seem insignificant, but in the dark, a little bit of light can make all the difference! This will make it so much easier for trick-or-treaters and their parents to find their way to your front door and help them avoid any unexpected obstacles and injuries.

The keys to great foot and ankle care are preparation and prevention. But, sometimes life happens and we end up with injuries anyway. If you run into any problems on Halloween, make an appointment with us and we will solve your problem together!