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When was the last time you thought seriously about your feet? How high are your arches? Would you consider your feet wide? Narrow? When was the last time you tried on a shoe in a different size?
It can be easy to forget about our feet. As long as they are not hurting us, there is no need to worry, right?
Actually, when it comes to the health of our feet, knees, hips, and back, there is much to be said for preventative care. One of the best ways to care for your feet is to wear supportive footwear that meets the specific needs of your feet. In order to know what kind of shoes to buy, you first have to get to know your feet.

  • Know your foot type. Do you have high, low, or average arches? The answer to this question will determine the type of support you need inside your shoe.Turn to the next page for more information.
  • Know your size. Did you know that the size of your foot changes over time?
  • Pay attention to width. Shoe length is not the only important factor. A shoe that is too narrow or too wide can also spell catastrophe for the health of your feet.

The shoes you wear can have a dramatic impact on the health of your feet, ankles, knees, hips, and back. In order to find footwear that properly supports your feet, it is important to identify whether you have high, average, or fallen arches.
The “wet footprint test” is one effective way of identifying your foot type. Simply dip your foot in water and place it on a brown paper bag or any other surface where your footprint will be visible.
Compare your footprint to the images below:

Fallen Arches
A person with fallen arches, or flat feet, will have an almost solid footprint with only a slight curve on the inside of the foot where the arch is located. People with this foot type tend to over-pronate. This means that their feet roll inward excessively with each step.

Normal Arches
A ierson with normal arches will have a footprint with a moderate but noticeable arch. (You should see roughly half the width of your foot.) People with this foot type—the most common type of the three—enjoy the greatest flexibility when choosing shoes.

High Arches
A person with high arches will have a “scooped-out” footprint. The ball of the foot and heel will be connected by a thin line. People with high arches tend to be supinators,or under-pronators. This means that their feet do not roll sufficiently inward with each step. People with high arches generally require soft shoes with substantial arch supports and lots of cushioning.

Note: The wet footprint test is an informal way of determining your foot type. Call the office to schedule an appointment with Dr. Freels at 859-264-1141 to help determine your foot type. Wearing shoes that do not suit your foot type could lead to arch, heel, ankle or knee pain.