Our feet, ankles and legs are designed for the foot to point straight forward when we walk and run. But sometimes children's feet will point inward, which is otherwise known as in-toeing or being pigeon toed.
When the in-toeing is pronounced, it may cause a child to stumble or trip frequently.
Can They Grow Out Of This?
Regular in-toeing is not painful and doesn't cause arthritis. In most cases, it will correct itself by the time the child turns eight. But some children in-toe as a result of a bone abnormality. They may have a foot that bends inward from the middle of the foot to the toes, or they could have a twisted shin or thighbone causing the problem.
If your child is in-toeing, we recommend bringing them in for an evaluation to make sure there is not an underlying issue that needs to be corrected. We will talk to you about the history of your child's in-toeing, measure the angles of the feet, legs and hips, and possibly take X-rays to get a closer look.
While in most cases the problem will correct itself, more severe cases involving a bone abnormality may require casting or a brace to avoid long-term problems.