A bunionette is the bump on the outside of your foot. Or a “baby bunion” as most patients call it. If the area is painful and a patient fails conservative care minimally invasive bunionette surgery is useful. A bunionette can alter the look of your foot, cause pain and make shoes fit poorly.
About the Procedure
Minimally invasive bunionette surgery is a procedure that can straighten the bunion to improve pain, the shape of your foot and make shoes fit better. Depending on where the problem area is the surgery may be able to be performed right here in the office! Don't let a bunionette keep you from wearing sandals and being barefoot. Call us or schedule an online appointment here at Lexington Podiatry with our minimally invasive surgeon.
Most of the surgical techniques used in our office can be done under local anesthetic and you can walk out of the office that day!